At its core, Safe Software is a collection of communities. Some may say that Safe is a community itself. While on paper we’re classified as a company, our work in its purest form truly is about connecting people.

Together we share different values, perspectives, and understanding — all of which help us grow as individuals and strengthen our relationships. We encourage and celebrate our team of Safer's diversified community connections and interests from local initiatives to tech, gardening, cooking, sports, and everything in between.

We believe that participating in the community, helping one another, and sharing our passions is our responsibility as a company.

Health & Wellness

We recognize that everyone’s well-being starts with their health. While many of us are fortunate to be healthy and have access to resources to keep us well, it’s not the same for everyone.

So, when it comes to health and wellness, we all need to look out for each other. That’s why Safe does its best to provide, support, and participate in community events to help families and raise awareness about various causes.

Ways we help everyone stay happy and healthy:

Inclusivity & Opportunity

Community is all about having a sense of belonging and being accepted for who you are. No one should ever feel their identity needs to be compromised to achieve their goals and dreams

At Safe we actively work to create an inclusive, non-judgemental workplace so that all Safers feel...well, safe (pun not intended). We make it a priority to partake in community events to provide others with opportunities to learn and grow into the person they want to be. Equal opportunity is not just a goal. It’s a necessity.

What we do to empower others:


There’s a reason why they call it “Beautiful British Columbia”. It’s the environment. How lucky are we to be headquartered in such an amazing place in the world?

From the pristine mountain air, down the flowing rivers, to the ecosystems with all kinds of species, the environment is something we want to preserve and protect the best we can. After all, it’s in our nature to keep everything connected, resilient, and self-sustaining.

How we stay green:

Helping Where We Can

There are always opportunities to give back. Over the many years, Safer’s have shared causes they’re passionate about to our workplace, and together we’ve all been able to help.

Whether it’s fundraising or getting involved, we know that there’s always some way we can help. Having a platform in a tech world gives us many advantages that we feel should be shared one way or another. As Dale says, “Do good when you’re doing good.”

How we give back:

  • Donate to the Food Bank via our annual Christmas raffle and World Tour tickets
  • Give each Safer paid work time to volunteer where they’d like
  • Match Safer donations for Adopt a Family program in Surrey, BC
  • Sponsor the Family Room at the Ronald McDonald House
  • Help fund the Breakfast Program for the Surrey School District

Free Licenses

As a software company, it seems silly to restrict our software to enterprises only. After all, we started with a desire to help, not a business model.

For those wanting to learn, explore, and give back to their communities, FME is available free of charge.

Do you qualify for a free license?