FME World Fair 2021 - Circus Tricks, Juggling Your Data Challenges with 1Spatial Australia

If you want to learn to be an effective juggler, it takes practice. It also helps if you have a good teacher who can help you with tricks to keep your clubs in the air. In this session were going to focus on helping you to tame your data with FME and were going to dig deep and cover some serious circus tricks, that will you leave with some new skills. So, if manual data processing tasks are getting you down, well show you that you dont necessarily need to run away and join the circus... just get FME instead.
Presentation Details

Andrej Mocicka

Co Presenter:
Simon Laird, Mat Okurowski, Andrew Bashfield, Sam McDonald, Tom Farrington, Priyantha Pallagama, Ashish Manandhar, Ardi Bakhtiary

Presenter Company:

FME World Fair 2021
